Philadelphia Stories Junior (writers aged 18 and younger)


Philadelphia Stories, Junior, a division of Philadelphia Stories,   is a literary magazine published each Spring for writers age 18 and under who currently live in Pennsylvania, Delaware, or Southern New    Jersey. Please follow these guidelines for submitting material.  There is no  reading fee. Deadline: February 1. We accept submissions year-round. 

Don't have a Submittable account? No problem! You can email your work to our editors here: PSJR912@GMAIL.COM

General Guidelines
1.    Philadelphia Stories, Jr.  accepts work submitted to our online submission form or by email.  
Emailed submissions will be accepted as either a Word .doc or .txt  attachment.
2.  On the first page, please include your name, school, grade, and information on how we can contact you.

3. Any work received after the closing date for a particular issue will be considered for the next issue. 

 4.  Tell us about yourself and where you live. For example: George   Smith is in sixth grade and likes to write poetry. He also likes   basketball and lives with his cat and little sister in Cherry Hill, NJ.   He has read all seven Harry Potters twice. 

Philadelphia Stories, Jr. publishes:

1. Fiction (original short stories no longer than 5,000 words)
2. Poems
3. Essays
4. Art (original photos, drawings, pictures of sculptures, cartoons, etc.)

If you would prefer to email your submission, email to

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.